by Michael Engelhard | Oct 30, 2022 | Features & Gunfights
Was he Alaska’s greatest backwoodsman and trailblazer? A Haines woman who’d known John “Jack” Dalton as a frequent guest at her girlhood home described him as “a dapper, well dressed, ladies’ man” even at 50. Others dismissed him as a scoundrel....
by Mike Coppock | Oct 30, 2022 | Features & Gunfights
From the Alaskan Arctic to the Bearpaw Battlefield in Montana, Charles Erskine Scott Wood was a man of action and adventure. In the spring of 1877, Sitka, Alaska, was one of the most dangerous locations in America. The Russians had taken the town...
by | Oct 25, 2022 | True West Blog
Did the Apache know their famous warrior as Geronimo or to them was he still Goyathlay? Geronimo, a prominent leader and shaman, was a Bedonkohe Apache. His given name was Goyathlay or, “The One Who Yawns.” Some say the name Geronimo is a corruption of his...
by | Oct 18, 2022 | True West Blog
Did cowboys or gunfighters have tattoos? And if so what kind of tattoos? Tattoo’s go back thousands of years. In this country many Native American tribes wore tattoos. In 1846 a man named Martin Hildebrandt, began his career as a tattoo artist. He was among the...
by | Oct 10, 2022 | True West Blog
From Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, regarding daily rations: Looking at the soldier’s rations, note the specific inclusion of green coffee beans. At the time, most Americans typically roasted their own beans over a fire. While there were dedicated...