Bad Day at Round Rock

Bad Day at Round Rock

July 19, 1878 Sam Bass has a bold plan. He and his outlaw band will case the bank in Round Rock, Texas, one more time and then strike tomorrow, a Saturday, when the farmers make their weekly deposits.   The air is hot and muggy as three of the gang, including Bass,...
What to Wear This Summer

What to Wear This Summer

I wear a sombrero, silk neckerchief, fringed buckskin shirt, sealskin chaparajos or riding trousers [sic]; alligator hide boots; and with my pearl hilted revolver and beautifully finished Winchester rifle, I shall feel able to face anything.” -Theodore Roosevelt In...
Extreme Western History Adventures

Extreme Western History Adventures

“Oh my God, Morgan Earp has been killed!” The cry reverberated through the streets of Tombstone, Arizona. John Clum, town mayor and editor of the Tombstone Epitaph, took the stage at the Crystal Palace Saloon to confirm the rapidly spreading rumor. The faction between...