by Peter Corbett and the Editors of True West | Jan 20, 2023 | Features & Gunfights
With foresight and determination, city leaders have worked hard for over a century to preserve our Old West history in the most famous Western towns. Some people rescue wild mustangs, wayward souls or soiled doves. Then there are those inspired individuals...
by | Jan 20, 2023 | Ask the Marshall
Can horses really run themselves to death? Marie Johnson (Dallas, Texas) Horses can run themselves to death even without a rider. A horse can die of dehydration, heart attack and exhaustion if not rested periodically. Horses can run fast only so long,...
by Paul Andrew Hutton | Jan 20, 2023 | Classic True West, Features & Gunfights
“We was flabbergasted.” The proud slayers of a huge grizzly are memorialized in one of the most famous photographs in all of Western history. By August 7, 1874, when the photo was taken by William H. Illingworth, Custer had already explored the fabled...
by | Jan 18, 2023 | True West Blog
After running away from the gunfight in the vacant lot near the OK Corral in Tombstone, Ike Clanton made a desperate attempt to get the Earp’s and Doc Holliday charged with murder. His twisted, self-righteous testimony, laden with errors tripped him up at the Spicer...
by | Jan 8, 2023 | True West Blog
One of those post-Indian Wars gunfights, almost lost in history, occurred in northern Arizona on November 11th, 1899, long after the Indian Wars had ended. For several years the band of Navajo Chief B’ugoettin had been fighting an undeclared war with local...