The Man Called Teddy Blue

The Man Called Teddy Blue

Edward Charles Abbott was born in England—but he became the prototypical American cowboy. His family moved to Texas when he was a boy; he later helped move a cattle herd to Nebraska. He later moved to Montana, where he became a rancher and an influential member of the...
Shipping Cattle to Market by Rail

Shipping Cattle to Market by Rail

Have you ever watched those trail driving movies and wondered what happened after the cattle were delivered to the railhead at Abilene, Dodge City or Wichita? These trains were heading some 500 miles to Chicago and would have been grueling on the cattle, train crews...
Cattle, Cowboys and Culture

Cattle, Cowboys and Culture

If you’re a vegetarian, stop reading. Unless you like opera. We don’t think of cattle towns as cultural meccas, but many of them were. And still are. Take Kansas City, Missouri, for instance. By the mid-1880s, KC had a population of more than 500,000. Cattle, I mean....
The Texas Cattle Drives

The Texas Cattle Drives

Although there were cattle drives prior to the Civil War their heyday came in the years that followed. The war had pretty much depleted the beef supply in the East and when the Texans returned home in 1865 they found thousands of longhorns running free. A way needed...