How Tombstone Got The Right Look

How Tombstone Got The Right Look

You can’t have an authentic set without authentic costumes. But even though Tombstone would begin filming more than two months before the start of Wyatt Earp, both productions were still competing for the same wardrobes…and Kevin Costner had already usurped all of...
Hot Air & Kind Words

Hot Air & Kind Words

The “Prince of Press Agents,” a spinmeister in a Stetson—he made “Buffalo Bill” Cody a household word around the world. But chances are the name “Arizona John” Burke is unfamiliar. Burke’s ending is both sad and shocking.  He died penniless and forgotten, buried in an...
James Addison Reavis

James Addison Reavis

When the United States signed the Gadsden Treaty in 1854 it agreed to recognize the validity of Spanish and Mexican land grants provided they had been “located and duly recorded in the archives of Mexico.”  At the time most of the land grants had been abandoned due to...