The famed Pulitzer Prize-winning writer shares his obsession for Billy the Kid in his tale of a gun he believes the outlaw owned. This is the story...
Fort Sumner
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Birth of a Writer
Samuel Langhorne Clemens' journey West began in 1861 when he was 25. He’d spent the previous two and one-half years piloting Mississippi steamboats...
Remembering Juanita Garrett
A new marker honors the first wife of an Old West legend. Juanita Martinez had an all-too-short life and the briefest of brushes with fame. She’s...
Under The Mistletoe
After being captured at Stinking Springs, Billy the Kid and his gang were taken to Fort Sumner, New Mexico where Billy was allowed to say goodbye to...
Dear Lew
Writing in red ink on ruled paper, Billy the Kid writes a letter to Lew Wallace, the governor of New Mexico.Written from Fort Sumner, on December...
The Tale of the Empty Chamber
January 10, 1880 Bob Hargrove’s saloon at Old Fort Sumner, New Mexico, is packed with cowboys, including James Chisum, brother of John, and three of...