Big Boots to Fill

Big Boots to Fill

None was bigger than Bob Paul. No lawman in the Old West was taller than Bob Paul. He stood 6'6" and weighed 246, broad shoulders and massive chest....

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The Last Watch

The Last Watch

A timepiece stolen—and then returned. Gila County (AZ) Sheriff Glenn Reynolds had a strong reputation. He’d been involved in putting down the...

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Armed and Courageous

Armed and Courageous

Private Bill Foster wears his Arizona Ranger badge and holds the standard Ranger 1895 Winchester .30-40 lever-action rifle as he stands to the left...

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Irregularities at the Polls

Irregularities at the Polls

Irregularities at the polls on the frontier were common. Here are a few of my favorites: In 1870 in Yuma County the local Indians were used to cast...

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