On August 10th, 1883 the Florence-Globe Stagecoach was robbed at the remote Riverside Station on the Gila River by the Red Jack Almer gang. Wells...
Apache Pass In movies the stage tries always to outrun the bad guys or Indians. Did that ever work?
Chasing a stagecoach was mostly the stuff of Hollywood because it added more drama to the event. In reality, the stage robbers tried to find a...
A Day In The Life Of A Chuckwagon Cook The cook didn’t just cook; he was also the barber, doctor, veterinarian, banker, arbitrator, letter writer, and father-confessor.
The most important man on a trail drive was the chuckwagon cook. That’s why next to the boss he was the highest paid hand. He was usually older and...
Train And Stagecoach Ticket Prices What did it cost the passengers in the Old West to ride the rail or the fee for a stagecoach?
On stagecoaches there usually wasn't a "First Class," however some companies did have three classes. First Class got to ride all the way; Second...
Well-Heeled, Bedraggled and Badged
Ask The Marshall.
Ask the Marshall
How did robbers find out about which stagecoach was carrying a payroll?
Butterfield’s Grand Adventure
“Remember Boys, Nothing on God’s Earth Should Stop the United States Mail.”
Stagecoach – The Legend At 80
John Ford and John Wayne’s classic Western film changed the course of cinema history.
Were Stagecoach Holdups Common?
Were stagecoach holdups common? Michael C. Westlund Clarkdale, Arizona Stagecoach robberies were frequent occurrences, especially during the...