wagons-west_texas-freedom_dana-fuller-ross_alamo_historyIn Wagons West: Texas Freedom!, Dana Fuller Ross spins an intriguing tale worthy of Alamo history buffs. When the fortified Alamo mission’s walls were breached by the Mexicans on March 6, 1836, Texian defenders were massacred to a man.

In that roaring hurricane of death just one man lived, Capt. Paul Franklin. Called the Wagonmaster for the hundreds he’d led West, he soon wooed and won Nancy Darrow, a beautiful mixed-blood daughter of a slave-holding tycoon. They then bonded on their journey through the Panhandle to form the new State of Comancheria. But by 1861 Texas skies were again turning blood red. Will Wagonmaster’s know-how and Nancy’s love still forge a bold saga of wagons ever westward?


—William Garwood

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