Everybody wants to make a Western. It’s a fact. Few directors of note, if you were to ask them, would say, “I’m not interested in Westerns; I have my heart set on another slasher movie or romantic comedy.” What holds them back is the idea that Westerns don’t do well at the box office. Yet Westerns are one of those toy chests everybody wants to open. Actors, directors, writers—males for the most part—all want to play with the figures inside the box. The Western formulas are, t

October 2007
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Married to the Camera
- True tales of the Prairies & Plains
- Indian war veterans
- Frontier Justice in the Wild West
- The Gambler and the Bug boy
- New indians, Old Wars
- Four and twenty photographs
- The Fabric of America
- Blackfoot War Art
- 3:10 to Yuma, on Track?
- My Dear Tom Mix
- Good Luck Dogged My Trail
- Avenging Victorio
- Revenge & Redemption
- The Comic Named Man With No Name
- Appa-palooza
- Hundred in the Hand
- Fancy Pants
- Gunsmoke: The First Season
More In This Issue
- Campfire Shoot-Out
- John Colter’s Favorite Mistake
- Preservation:Earp—All in the Family
- Off the Reservation, the Range, the Ranch and the Regular
- In the movie Tombstone, Wyatt steps off the train wearing square-toed boots. Aren’t those a 1970’s invention?
- Buffalo Bill’s Wild Bunch
- Ranchers vs. Army
- Wyeth Sets Record with Hickok Oil
- The Good, the Bad at the O.K. Corral
- On the inside page of Ross Santee’s Cowboy, the dedication reads, “For Shorty Caraway—Top Hand.” What do you know about the author or Shorty?
- Did Old West lawmen write a police blotter? Or was it more like a journal?
- Did steamboats bring passengers and supplies from California to Arizona?
- What can you tell me about William T. Phillips, who claimed to be Butch Cassidy in the early 1920s?
- A Phoenix newspaper once reported on the rampant violence, murders and mayhem in Two Guns, Arizona. What books tell the history of this town?
- Denton, Texas
- Salt Siege Shoot-out
- Preservation: James-Younger Gang Returns to Northfield
- Be Like Remington