goodbaduglyYes, the character Clint Eastwood played in the most famous and successful of all Spaghetti Westerns, Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965) and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966), actually did have a name. Three names, to be accurate: Joe, Monco and Blondie, respectively. Yet American marketers were uncommonly clever when they dubbed Sergio Leone’s anti-hero as “The Man With No Name.” It stuck from that point on.

MGM and Dynamite Entertainment, which produces comics based on the Lone Ranger and the Cisco Kid, are releasing a series of comics based on the Leone character that will take place in New Mexico during the Civil War. (Sharp-eyed movie buffs have noticed that Eastwood picks up his famous poncho from a dead Civil War soldier toward the end of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, making the film the first of the three movies, although it was the last one released.)

Those who have always wanted to see a bedroom floor showdown between G.I. Joe and Clint Eastwood will finally get their wish, as the companies also plan to release merchandise. Please let us know who wins—I have money on Monco.

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