One frontiersman, threatened with a .22 derringer, slapped it out of his assailant’s hand and said, “If anyone ever shot me with a twenty two…and I found out about it, I’d skin him alive!”
Despite comments like his, that reflect the abhorrence most Westerners felt toward small-bore firearms, hideout pistols could frequently be found concealed upon the persons of frontier folk.
Slightly larger than a gentleman’s pocket watch, Sharps’s palm-sized Pepperbox derringer was a f

November 2013
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- The Other Las Vegas
- John Goodwin
- November 2013 Events
- In Have Gun, Will Travel, what was Paladin’s first name?
- In your June 2013 gunfighter graves article, the marker for Liver-Eating Johnson reads “Johnston.” Which is correct?
- While watching Encore Westerns, I saw Bob Boze Bell’s True West Moments on Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves. Who was this lawman?
- How far could a good horse go during a posse chase of outlaws?
- How far did a wagon train travel in a typical day?
- How did Plains Indians carry water while on the move?
- Rough Drafts 11/13
- An Ace in the Hole
- Death by Shakespeare
- Remington Hits High Note
- Paydirt-It’s Still Out There!
- Modern-Day Treasure Hunt
- Sadie vs. Josie
- Wild Women of the West
- Soiled Doves
- The Vanity Plates of Footwear
- A Dinner to Remember
- On the Trail of Ancient Artists
- Delivering Justice
- Digging for Treasure
- 3:10 TO YUMA-Delmer Daves