The Old West may have been gone by the early 1900s, but the West was still a place where a man needed to be “well heeled.” It was the era of the last hurrah for Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch. The Arizona Rangers were formed to uphold Arizona Territory’s laws. The Mexican Revolution of 1910 kept America’s Southwestern border ablaze. Gold strikes fueled the Yukon. These are just some of the incidents that made defensive arming as important then as it was during the heyday of the fro

July 2011
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- A Screenwriter’s Five Indispensable Western Books
- Curtiz Hands the Reins to Wayne
- Colt’s Last Wild West Six-Gun
- Nocturnes Hit Million-Dollar Marks
- Love Will Find a Way
- The Civil War
- Bobby Bridger
- El Jovencito
- The Civil War on the Silver Screen
- Texas Lawmen, 1835-1899
- The Suppressed History of America
- Pansy’s History
- Where the West Begins
- The Case of the Indian Trader
- The Bronco Bill Gang
- Great Sioux War Orders of Battle
- The Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek
- The Mormon Rebellion
- The Cadillac of Cattle Drives
- Top 10 Things to Do in Denver
- Oregon Trail Endangered
- Keeping the Peace
- Bartlesville, Oklahoma
- To Garry Owen in Glory
- The Last Train to Boothill
- Beware of the Dung Tea
- Docs, Dentists & Booze
- The Fabric of the West
- The Last Ride of Bonnie McCarroll
- Viva Outlaw Women