A sure-shot way to prove the pedigree of your Colt firearm is to have factory documentation. A Colt Historical Letter has been universally recognized as the last word in authenticating the background of a Colt handgun or longarm. It is a prestigious addition to any Colt that “letters out,” and it is also considered an investment in firearms collecting. For such a letter request, Colt’s Historical Department staff, headed up by Kathleen J. Hoyt, searches through its vast archives that,

June 2007
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Month of Atonement
- Crazy Spy Gadgets from CBS’s Wild Wild West
- Lone Star Pasts
- Truce
- Best Stories of the American West
- Hawks and Eagles
- California Desperadoes
- The Cowboy Girl
- Fort Concho and the Texas Frontier
- Identity By Design
- One Hundred Years of Winchester Cartridge Boxes, 1856-1956
- From Errol Flynn to Owen Wister
- The Guns of Billy the Kid
- The Day the World Ended at Little Bighorn
- Tombstone’s Treasure: Silver Mines and Golden Saloons
- Lightning and Lace
- Cold Cache
More In This Issue
- Taos Founders Top Auction
- Preservation: Pony Express Rides On
- Loping Along the Guest Ranch Trail, Dude
- Song Catcher
- One Hell-Firin’ Minute of Smokin’ Action
- The Man Who Saved the West
- Cowboy Mounted Shooting
- Mining vs. Ranching
- The Rookie Rancher
- Louis L’Amour was supposedly creating a Western town, Shalako, similar to those he wrote about. Did he get it done?
- Juneau, Alaska
- Does Your Colt Pedigree?
- Which books on Wild Bill Hickok and Geronimo are the most accurate?
- Did a cowboy on horseback really rob a bank in New Mexico back in the 1930s?
- I’ve heard of a “Day of the Cowboy,” but is there a “Day of the Native American?”
- Most accounts of the O.K. Corral gunfight estimate that about 30 shots were fired over 25-30 seconds. Is that possible?
- What can you tell me about George Custer’s brother, Capt. Tom Custer?
- Where can I find a list of all the Westerns produced in the 1940s-50s?
- Collecting the West Roundup