When first opened to traffic in 1821, the Santa Fe Trail linked the American markets along the Missouri River with the long-established Mexican trade center of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The culturally diverse points supported a commercial road that not only connected those two nations, but also crossed the sovereign lands of the Kansa, Osage and other tribes. The ethnic and landscape diversity of the early 19th century remains pronounced in the early 21st century. In Santa Fe the soft sounds of S

August 2012
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- The Mini “Buffalo Gun”
- High Doom in the Andes
- How did Chester Goode, Matt Dillon’s assistant on Gunsmoke, get his limp?
- Singing for His Supper
- A Bonanza Paradise
- Pizza in the Old West
- A Tale of Two Shirts
- Tailor-Made Re-enactor
- Larry Winget
- Bill Anton
- 10 for 10: Santa Barbara, CA
- Why did the three “Outlaw Cowboys” from your May 2012 issue tuck one pant leg into their boots?
- Did U.S. marshals have authority over local law enforcement officials?
- Who is Sheet-Iron Jack?
- Who had the fastest draw: John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickok or Doc Holliday?
- August 2012 Events
- Following the Santa Fe Trail
- Railfest
- Rodeo Ben’s Jeans
- What are the Staked Plains?