It was 1903, and Apache leader Geronimo staggered into a Dutch Reform Church at Ft. Sill, OK, where he was being held as a prisoner of war. He was injured after falling off a horse. The church pastor prayed for him and then baptized him. For the next few years, he proclaimed his new-found faith.
It’s not clear that his conversion was real. He was kicked out of the church for gambling in 1908.

November/December 2009
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
- Gunsmoke: The Third Season, Vol. 1
- Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Season One
- Warner Archival DVDs
- Gunsmoke: The Third Season, Volume 2
- Brimstone
- Death Mask
- Hard Winter
- Shooting Stars of the Small Screen
- Illustrating Wounded Knee
- Bad News for Outlaws
- A Measure of Mercy
- The Return of Roy Rogers
- Paul Newman Tribute
- Bonanza Classic Revived
More In This Issue
- How did people stay cool in the heat of the Old West?
- Were there Indian cowboys or gunmen in the Southwest?
- How long did it take a letter to be delivered via Pony Express?
- How did Indians and whites treat half-breeds on the frontier?
- What’s the story behind Earp’s Buntline Special?
- Aged Beauties
- Looping Across Kit Carson’s Southwest
- All Roads Lead to Chaco Canyon
- Preservation: Remember the Alamo (Replica)
- Homeplace Ranch
- A Historian’s Dream House
- Caleb Fox
- Bisbee, Arizona
- Christmas on the Frontier
- Defender of the Black Hills
- Indian-Inspired Fashion
- A Hair-Raising Tale
- Naco Debacle
- Trigger Happy
- My Christmas Wish List