“Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom’s. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.” —Nelson Algren, A Walk on the Wild Side (published in 1956) Gambling may just well be the world’s second oldest profession. As poker worked its way west, card cheats had sources for their needs. The firm E.M. Grandine in New York City provided so-called “advantage” or marked playing cards. From 1837 on, Doctor Cross & Co. in New Orlean

September 2005
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Waist Deep in the Blues
- Splashing the (Drink) Pot
- Medicine River Trading Company
- Following Butch and Sundance
- Forgotten Trail of Texas Jack Omohundro
- Appearances Deceive
- Tom Mix or Lonesome Gus?
- Supermen and Women, Not Pygmies
- Anchored in the Land
- I’d like to learn more about outlaw One-Eye Billy Moore, who may be a distant relative of mine.
- Behind the Eight Ball
- In the Old West, was there ever a female peace officer?
- Can you tell me why stagecoaches are always painted red with yellow wheels and frames in the movies and on TV shows?
- Who was the soldier known to the Indians as Bad Hand?
- Deseret Saddlery