A grizzly bear was a mighty beast and its scientific name is well-deserved, Ursus Horribilis. They have been worshiped by the western Indians for centuries. The adult male weighs 800 lbs. and they stand tall, 8 to 9 feet, can run fast as a horse and one swipe with their raking claws can cut clear to the bone. They roamed the Rocky Mountains in such numbers that one mountain man counted 200 in one day.
They had no fear of man. A hunter might think he’s tracking one only to find the grizzly h

March 2017
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Stevens County Seat War Massacre
- James Brothers First Heist, Maybe?
- Big Nose George Parrot
- Black Buckaroos
- What History Has Taught Me: Terry Bolinger
- Hugh Glass and the Grizzly
- Idaho’s Mormon Miracles
- B.B. Bullwinkle and the Arizona Cattle Company
- Did The True “Gateway To The West” Start In St. Louis Or Independence, Missouri?
- A Mule For Sylvia Durando
- Why Does Arizona Have That Diagonal Boundary Line?