The way Forrest Fenn puts it, the treasure chest includes: 265 gold coins; nuggets; a Spanish 17th-century gold ring with a large emerald; necklaces; and a Navajo bracelet that Richard Wetherill, the controversial cowboy, explorer and trader credited with discovering Mesa Verde’s Cliff Palace, sold to hotel legend Fred Harvey in 1901.
“I won it playing pool with Byron Harvey,” Fenn says.
Inside his memoir, you will find a 24-line poem that includes nine clues, which, Fenn writes, “

November 2013
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- The Other Las Vegas
- John Goodwin
- November 2013 Events
- In Have Gun, Will Travel, what was Paladin’s first name?
- In your June 2013 gunfighter graves article, the marker for Liver-Eating Johnson reads “Johnston.” Which is correct?
- While watching Encore Westerns, I saw Bob Boze Bell’s True West Moments on Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves. Who was this lawman?
- How far could a good horse go during a posse chase of outlaws?
- How far did a wagon train travel in a typical day?
- How did Plains Indians carry water while on the move?
- Rough Drafts 11/13
- An Ace in the Hole
- Death by Shakespeare
- Remington Hits High Note
- Paydirt-It’s Still Out There!
- Modern-Day Treasure Hunt
- Sadie vs. Josie
- Wild Women of the West
- Soiled Doves
- The Vanity Plates of Footwear
- A Dinner to Remember
- On the Trail of Ancient Artists
- Delivering Justice
- Digging for Treasure
- 3:10 TO YUMA-Delmer Daves