The night shall be filled with music, and the cares that infest the day shall fold up their tents… and…silently steal away. Such is the case when...

The night shall be filled with music, and the cares that infest the day shall fold up their tents… and…silently steal away. Such is the case when...
Did all western hotels have outhouses and pots under the bed or did any have some kind of indoor accommodations other than the chamber pot? How many...
In Southeast Montana, panoramic landscapes intertwine with the rich history of the Old West offering epic adventures in discovery and an authentic...
Did the Punitive Expedition influence the start of the Immigration and Naturalization Service/U.S. Border Patrol? Dustin Smith Sahuarita, Arizona...
Late December 1883. Gambler Newt Boyce was wreaking havoc in Caldwell, KS (photo). Boyce was on a bender and became violent, wounding some people...
Seth Bullock. The name is pretty much synonymous with Deadwood and law enforcement. You can picture him in your mind—or at least, you can see actor...
Fall 1878. Twenty-one-year-old Henry Brown took a job as a lawman in Tascosa, TX. It’s a bit of a change. He’d just finished a stint as one of Billy...
In 1830 lawyer George Catlin packed a case with pencils and paper, paint and brushes, and went to St. Louis where he met with William Clark, then...
Henry Brown is known as a pal of Billy the Kid, marshal of Caldwell, KS, and a robber killed by a lynch mob in 1884. He wrote a last letter to his...
Bill Longley has been called one of the deadliest of gunfighters, unpredictable, ruthless and quick with both his gun and temper. His ambition to be...
What can you tell me about Joaquin Murrieta? Joe Manriquez Whittier, California Author John Boessenecker says, “Walter Noble Burns called him the...
My grandma, Rosa Trimble, was a great storyteller. The Trimble’s came to Texas around 1840 and settled around San Antonio. She was an Edwards and...