The Saga of Pancho Villa Pt. I

The Saga of Pancho Villa Pt. I

A bright orange glow spread across the eastern New Mexico horizon on the morning of March 9th, 1916.  The sleepy border town of Columbus was slowly...

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Big Iron On His Hip

Big Iron On His Hip

I met Marty Robbins in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at a National Cowboy Hall of Fame event in 1979. He was there to receive the Golden Trustee Award...

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Stuart’s Stranglers

Stuart’s Stranglers

Stuart’s Stranglers had a brief but deadly life in 1884.  Civic and political leader Granville Stuart formed the group after several of his cattle...

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Gateway to the West

Gateway to the West

Located on a plateau above the west bank of the Missouri River and its confluence with the Platte River, Omaha has always been a good spot for...

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