He was known as one of the bravest of Geronimo’s warriors, a sharpshooter who never wasted a bullet. He also helped other warriors get their man—Juh...

He was known as one of the bravest of Geronimo’s warriors, a sharpshooter who never wasted a bullet. He also helped other warriors get their man—Juh...
Joseph Lee Heywood is considered the hero of Northfield, MN, the man who bluffed the James-Younger Gang out of emptying the First National Bank of...
Sure ’nuff cowboy songs and stories from a sure ’nuff cowboy—does it get any better than that? Edited by Charles Seeman, executive director emeritus...
How often were post offices robbed on the frontier? Gerald Jantzen - Okeene, Oklahoma Robbing a post office wasn’t common in the Old West—although...
One of the most important aspects of handgun-shooting is having a proper grip. Too loose a hold causes the gun to jump or roll in your hand, not to...
Raised in Detroit, Michigan, and retired from teaching at the American University in Washington, D.C., Bob Love found himself linked to the West’s...
In Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drums (University of Oklahoma Press, $32.95), Bruce Gleason has produced an excellent volume on the history of...
The tall, lanky prospector brushed back his thick, matted, unkempt hair and looked out across a jumble of high mesa hills, scanning the rough...
Sacagawea played a major role in the success of the first American expedition to cross the western portion of the United States. The teenaged Lemhi...
“The most of the men I have killed it was one or t’other of us, and as sich times you don’t stop to think; and what’s the use after it’s all over?”...
Myth is based on what we would like to believe while Legend takes the truth and enhances its meaning across the passage of time. The West was a land...
Once Missouri-born Samuel Clemens headed west in July 1861, he began his lifelong career of penning frontier life accounts that were both serious...