The legendary mountain man left a legacy of truth and fiction about his larger-than-life experiences as a trapper and trailblazer of the American...
Sport Fishing in the Land of 10,000 Lakes
In Minnesota, fresh fish and Hamm’s Beer have been going hand in hand since 1865. Fish was wildly popular through-out Minnesota in its early...
Mescal Reborn
The stores of Far Haven and the rebirth of an iconic film location are both tales of redemption. Beginning with the deadly nighttime ambush of a...
What History Has Taught Me: Carole Compton Glenn
Carole Compton Glenn, True West Business Manager, 1999-2022 As general manager of this magazine, Carole Compton Glenn reigned supreme as the heart...
Riding with the James Gang
For 70 years, True West’s editors have been publishing stories about the legendary Missouri outlaws. In the summer of 1953, True West’s founding...
The Dirty Little Coward Gets His Due
“I remember telling Ron once that I considered The Assassination of Jesse James as by far the best Jesse James movie ever made. He replied that he...
The Strange and Mesmerizing Death of the Outlaw Jesse James
For over 140 years, Bob Ford’s cowardly killing of Jesse James has fascinated historians seeking the truth behind the assassination. “That man is...
Colt Cylinder Scenes: History or Promotion?
More than just decoration, these roller-die-engravings were shrewdly added by Sam Colt to his revolvers to boost sales. Colonel Samuel Colt...
American Indian Art and Artifacts
Collectors and sellers were both winners at two recent Bonhams auctions. Creations by American Indians, past and present, figured greatly in...
Let’s Honor a Kick-Ass Arizona Woman
Frances Willard Munds changed life in the brand new state. Arizona deserves a new tradition on election day: After voting, women could take...
Packing It In
Tom Horn’s role in the Spanish-American War is uncovered. Tom Horn was—is—a legend of the Old West. His exploits are unique in their variety:...
Shooting Back
A Shared Treasure We live in San Antonio, Texas. My wife was going through her father and mother’s belongings after their deaths and found...