“I felt like crying, for the sacred hoop was broken and scattered. The life of the people was in the hoop, and what are many little lives if the life of those lives be gone?” Those were not Chief Black Bird’s words, but they may very well have been. They were expressed by Black Elk, a fellow Lakota who would also grab at his chance to improve the lives of the people by accepting Buffalo Bill’s 1886 offer to appear in a Wild West show. Black Bird would himself appear in an ov

August 2011
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Llano, Texas
- Jody Dahl
- 1956’s The Last Hunt
- Vera Cruz
- The Comancheros
- Apaches in the Southwest’s Borderlands
- Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands
- The Floor of Heaven
- Route 66 Missouri
- Steeldusts on the Chisholm Trail
- The Hotel Heroes of Small-Town Texas
- “Most Interesting Spot”
- Parlez-vous francais?
- Spittle, Flies and Dixie Cups
- Tragic Fight on the Devil’s Backbone
- West of Mystery
- Plains Indian Shirt Sets New World Record
- Medicine Bags to Purses
- A Bandido’s California Colt
- The Man Behind the Myth
- The Cowboy from Quebec
- The Faithful Dog
- Happy 225th Birthday, Davy Crockett!
- Ghost Towns of Route 66
- Was Geronimo a Terrorist?