Louis L’Amour has thrilled countless readers with the adventures of Hondo, Jubal Sackett and Radigan. But the “Yondering Man” from North Dakota also published dozens of vivid short stories in the rousing days of the pulps.
Using pseudonyms such as Louis D. Amour, his tales of distant lands ran in 10 Story Book, Thrilling Adventures and many other two-fisted magazines. His background as seaman, lumberjack, miner, circus roustabout and professional boxer—winner of 51 out of 59 fights—served as fodder for his dozens of crackling yarns including those of Borneo head hunters, South Sea China pirates and wing-bending flyers of fortune. This massive collection of 45 timeless stories proves in spades that Louis L’Amour is worthy of being America’s favorite tale teller! —William Garwood