Bob Boze Bell
Ike Bites the Dust

Ike Bites the Dust

June 1, 1887 Apache County Stock Association detective J.V. Brighton, formerly known as “Rawhide Jack” during his rustling days, and two lawmen have...

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An Apache Named Fun

An Apache Named Fun

On the San Carlos Apache Reservation in the 1870s the U.S. Army was charged with writing down the names of each tribal member who was eligible to...

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A Real Horse Opera

A Real Horse Opera

History was made when a real, live horse opera based on Zane Grey’s immortal classic, “Riders of The Purple Sage” premiered in Phoenix at Symphony...

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The Paris Punk

The Paris Punk

Did a 16-year-old Buffalo Bill wannabe shoot Vincent van Gogh? Believe it, or not, compelling new evidence has surfaced that points towards René...

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Shoot-Out in El Paso

Shoot-Out in El Paso

April 14, 1881 Out in the West Texas town of El Paso, ex-Marshal George Campbell is flat-out looking for trouble. “Any American that is a friend of...

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