The Wild Wild West, a TV series that ran from 1965-69, was a definite curiosity, a strange hybrid of Spy Drama, Science Fiction and traditional...
The Ultimate Westerns Collection
Available only at Costco, this remarkable box set of Westerns is for anyone wanting a fine group of classic pictures at a decent price. Included in...
Excerpts from Escape Artist: The Life and Time of John Sturges
You have to work backward from Yul Brynner, who would ultimately star as Chris, the leader of the gunfighters, to figure out whose brainstorm the...
Hopalong Cassidy
As Tommy Lee Jones mentions, Hopalong Cassidy meant a lot to kids of that generation. William Boyd, who started his career in the Silent Film era,...
Sturges Biography
Coming in November from the University of Wisconsin Press is the first biography of director John Sturges, who was responsible for Gunfight at the...
Creepy Bastards
Dwight Yoakam and Kris Kristofferson are two singers who have played complete bastards in any number of movies. So the prospect of the two of them...
Radio Westerns
Speaking of Rangers on the radio, Old Time Radio Catalog ( is a company that offers a huge variety of radio programs on disc for...
Stranger on Horseback
Every so often a Western sneaks up on my blind side and surprises me. I’ve always respected Jacques Tourneur as a director, and his better known...
Outlaw Trail Collection
Back in the early 1970s, when a handful of Country singers and songwriters decided that they could bypass the stranglehold of the Nashville...
Kemo Sabe Unmasked
The history of the Texas Rangers is the history of Western movies. When Broncho Billy Anderson told director Edwin S. Porter that he could ride like...
The Next Classic Buddy Film
Steel-eyed, sober, often grim and frequently dangerous, Ed Harris has carved a niche for himself portraying characters who can be flawed or...
Val Kilmer Returns
Ever since Val Kilmer first appeared as a parody of Elvis in the 1984 comedy Top Secret!, he's had one of the most interesting careers in Hollywood...