Review of The Civil War on the Rio Grande, 1846–1876.

Review of The Civil War on the Rio Grande, 1846–1876.
Prior to the Civil War, it was realized that an efficient way to deliver the mail and passengers across the country was needed. In 1857, the U.S....
In A Crooked River: Rustlers, Rangers, and Regulars on the Lower Rio Grande, 1861–1877, Michael L. Collins tells the story of the turmoil and...
The history of the Texas Rangers is the story of real people surrounded by the legends and the legacies of that historic organization. In Texas...
Graham Barnett (1890-1931) was a Texas lawman, a gunfighter, a drunk and a dangerous man. His story is entwined in the Mexican Revolution along the...
Among the stories of the Old West, few are more exciting than the manhunts that pitted frontier authority against those who would kill, plunder and...
I’m of the opinion that, even in today’s society, the women of the frontier are not given all of the credit that is their just due. Wilting violets,...
In Cowboys and Gangsters: Stories of an Untamed West (TwoDot Publishing, $16.95) Samuel K. Dolan refutes the idea that the frontier of the American...