Mention Western movie locations, and the first thought to come to mind is likely Monument Valley. Me? I think Lone Pine. And I don’t even like those...

Mention Western movie locations, and the first thought to come to mind is likely Monument Valley. Me? I think Lone Pine. And I don’t even like those...
What we learned over the past year is this: Communication is important, even in museums. In August 2013, History Colorado Center closed its exhibit...
It’s not the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., nor Judge Isaac Parker’s courthouse in Fort Smith, Arkansas. It’s not even here anymore, but...
Come off it. Everybody gives credit to Dee Brown for changing the way white Americans think about American Indians. Hey, I love Bury My Heart at...
A century and a half later, folks in Montana are still racing for gold. Or something. That idiot in the Taurus almost ran me over on East Broadway....
Ask anyone to name a Chiricahua Apache, and you will probably hear “Cochise” or “Geronimo.” But the first name coming to my mind is always Allan...
The only market that Texans can rely on at present for their stock is Bakster [sic] Springs, Kansas …” a Texas drover wrote from present-day...
No doubt about it. Western movies were reborn in 1939, catapulting the genre into big-time Hollywood that lasted some 60 years. Stagecoach, Destry...
Nobody warned me about this. Oh sure, the folks in charge of mule rides at Grand Canyon National Park gave me that spiel about safety and risks,...
2014-02-24Ask most people to name a river that flows in North Dakota, and you’ll probably hear the Missouri (we thank you, Lewis and Clark) and...
Unlike the Santa Fe or Oregon Trails, you won’t find any trail ruts on the Old Spanish Trail. For that matter, it’s even hard to find tapas...
March brings madness to the entire United States, where fools everywhere pay more attention to their NCAA college basketball bracket than Louis...