Life always looks a lot better in hindsight. Movies have cleaned up and sanitized life in the West. The romance of the West meant many things to...

Life always looks a lot better in hindsight. Movies have cleaned up and sanitized life in the West. The romance of the West meant many things to...
For Doc Holliday, 1884-1885 was a booming period. In August 1884, he and Billy Allen got sideways over a $5 debt that Doc failed to repay. Doc took...
Doc Holliday was estranged from his father Henry, probably as of the early 1870s, for a variety of reasons. And when he went West and took on a...
In 1871, Wyatt Earp faced five years in prison for stealing horses in Indian Territory. In preparation for trial, he and others were held at the...
When I was a young, still wet behind the ears, historian one of my mentors was Prescott native, Lester “Budge” Ruffner. He was one of the best...
Bob Boze Bell has traveled the back roads of the American West since he was a child. If you love road trips as much as Bob Boze Bell, you will need...
The fabulous Silver King Mine was first discovered in 1873, at a time when conflicts with the Apache Indians were frequent and few people dared...
His real name was DeForest Hall, but he took the middle name Wick for town of Wickenburg, Arizona and “Dick” because he needed a first name to rhyme...
In 1873, Arthur McCluskie was seeking revenge for the death of his brother two years earlier. He tracked down the killer, Hugh Anderson, in Medicine...
August 19, 1871. Several Texas cowboys were seeking revenge for the death of a friend eight days before. They tracked the killer, Mike McCluskie,...
A Century of Fine Art in the Big Bend SRSU Faculty and Students April 20- May 28, 2021 Artwork from the Sul Ross State University Art...
Billy Bailey was a Texas cowhand who made his way up the trail to Newton, Kansas in 1871. He had a reputation for being handy with a gun and...