Was “Wild Bill” Hickok’s failing eyesight the result of a venereal disease? David Durost Lancaster, California If James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok...

Was “Wild Bill” Hickok’s failing eyesight the result of a venereal disease? David Durost Lancaster, California If James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok...
Were bounty hunters as despised as most Westerns depict? Jeff Mock Sandy, Utah I’m sure some bounty hunters weren’t well liked, especially if they...
Why are Old West figures portrayed in such black-and-white terms—either they’re all good or all bad? W.W. Reed Chandler, Arizona Hollywood has given...
On Walker, Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris had a recurring role, told via flashbacks, as 19th century Texas Ranger Hayes Cooper. Did such a man exist?...
Did any Indian tribes break treaties the way the U.S. government did? Walter Reed Chandler, Arizona Yes. And the most warlike tribes were the most...
Did Augustine Chacon kill 52 men? Jonathan Smith Rodenberg, Lower Saxony, Germany The number of men Augustine Chacon killed is disputed, just as the...
Did stagecoach travel have different classes of ticket? Roger M. Dillingham Hackney, London, United Kingdom Some stagecoach companies had three...
How far did a telegraph signal carry? Rich Gorman Littleton, Colorado Wires allowed an electric current to flow as far as the wires stretched....
Did Tom Horn kill Willie Nickell? Brian Madison Venice, Florida That’s one of the great mysteries. Tom Horn confessed to the 1901 ambush killing of...
How prevalent were bounty hunters? Tom Betts Anaheim, California In 1872, the Supreme Court ruled that bounty hunters were a part of law...
What is the 19th-century version of a photographer’s flash powder? Mike Colaizzi, Gold Canyon, Arizona Early photography didn’t use flash...
How bad was body odor in the Old West? Michael C. Westlund Clarkdale, Arizona Body odor was pretty bad. Pioneers had no deodorant, shampoo or...