Who was the first sheriff to pursue outlaws in a motorized vehicle? Why’d the women of the Donner Party fare better than the men? And more!

Who was the first sheriff to pursue outlaws in a motorized vehicle? Why’d the women of the Donner Party fare better than the men? And more!
What became of Wyatt Earp’s horse, Dick Naylor? When did the first autos appear in the Wild West towns? There is a U.S. National Forest map “The Apache Kid Wilderness” that shows the Apache Kid’s gravesite. Is that accurate? And more.
What became of Wyatt Earp’s horse, Dick Naylor? How did the term “Code of the West” originate? Did a youngster named Al Smith name Hole in the Wall?
Ask The Marshall.
Ask The Marshall.
On Gunsmoke did the actors drink real beer?
Did Sam Bass ever work as a deputy U.S. marshal before becoming an outlaw?
Did Wells Fargo have its own detective force?
Did America Indians kiss on the lips as an expression of affection?
How did wagon trains keep law and order on the trail?
How did cowboys, working in the heat of summer, stay cool in their hats?
When did the practice of horseshoeing begin, and what was the purpose of doing so?