Art, Guns and Culture
Fine Fruitcakes

Fine Fruitcakes

"Inmates of various boarding-houses shudder to think of the vast amount of turkey and fruitcake leftover from the feast of yesterday,” wrote San...

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Let’s Rodeo

Let’s Rodeo

Wild West shows and frontier rodeos are largely responsible for the distinctive styling and flare seen on cowboy shirts today. The arena cowboys...

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Bill Anton

Bill Anton

“They’re all real folks,” says Bill Anton, referring to the cowboys and ranchers he depicts with his oils. Most of his work—if not all—evokes the...

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A Tale of Two Shirts

A Tale of Two Shirts

On June 20, 1905, “one of the greatest affairs of the kind” took place, a potlatch feast-giveaway of the belongings of Nez Perce Chief Joseph, who...

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Roger Archibald

Roger Archibald

“Is that pencil?” mocks Western artist and Arizona native Roger Archibald. When people’s eyes first fall upon his black-and-white depictions of...

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Thom Ross

Thom Ross

“I had a cowboy who came to one of my shows and exclaimed, ‘This isn’t Western art!’” Thom Ross says. “And every painting was of Billy the Kid, Doc...

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Snake River Salmon

Snake River Salmon

“While travelling along the Snake River, father secured a fine, large salmon from an Indian, and we looked forward to a good feast at supper time....

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