Features & Gunfights
Custer’s Gold

Custer’s Gold

“GOLD!” proclaimed Dakota Territory’s Bismarck Tribune, August 12, 1874. Lt. Col.  George Armstrong Custer’s Black Hills expedition had discovered...

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Oatman Genesis

Oatman Genesis

Did John Moss, friend of Mohave leader Irataba, name the Oatman mine and, hence, the town after Olive Oatman? Or was the town originally called...

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Heart Gone Wild

Heart Gone Wild

In 1857, Olive Oatman’s ghostwriter said this about her life story: “Much of that dreadful period is unwritten, and will remain forever unwritten.”...

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The Oatman Massacre

The Oatman Massacre

Roys Oatman and his family have just finished hauling their belongings up a rocky grade to a bluff on the south side of the Gila River. At the end...

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