Western Movies
Westworld Reborn

Westworld Reborn

When, in 1973, MGM, once the titan of Hollywood studios, found itself on the ropes after a string of flops, a tiny film saved the studio from...

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A Legendary Life

A Legendary Life

The mythic history of the American West is veiled in the mysterious mists of time  like the fog-shrouded British legends of King Arthur, Beowulf and...

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The Stickler

The Stickler

“Did you sketch this picture of my daughter?” Cindy Costner, Kevin’s wife at the time, asked a Union soldier during a lull in the Dances With Wolves...

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Hardin Biopic

Hardin Biopic

“We plan on shooting this epic, never-before-told story about the life of John Wesley Hardin,” says Miguel Corona, an associate producer of the...

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The Iconic Duo

The Iconic Duo

The last great year for Western movies was 1969, which saw the release of three classics: The Wild Bunch, True Grit and Butch Cassidy and the...

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