by Bob Boze Bell | Jun 11, 2021 | Classic Gunfights, Departments
By Bob Boze Bell (based on the research of Fred Nolan & Jerry Weddle) Henry Antrim vs. Windy Cahill “I…called him a pimp.” August 17, 1877 It’s a Friday night, and young Henry Antrim is playing poker in George Atkins’s Cantina, just outside the...
by Various Authors | Jun 11, 2021 | Features & Gunfights
Scholars uncover answers and create more questions on the outlaw’s life and family from New York to New Mexico. This past year has been a watershed in terms of new scholarship on Billy the Kid. Here, in a True West exclusive, are the new finds you need to know about....
by Phil Spangenberger | Jun 10, 2021 | Departments, Shooting from the Hip
This handsomely rugged 1840s muzzleloader was prized by frontiersmen and military riflemen alike and helped phase out the smoothbore musket. Although it was officially designated as the U.S. Model 1841 Rifle, it’s best known as the “Mississippi Rifle,” and has...
by Bob Boze Bell | May 6, 2021 | Classic Gunfights, Departments
Al Sieber & U.S. Troops vs. Na-ti-o-tish’s Apaches One of the scouts spots the Apaches waiting in ambush on the north side of the canyon. July 17, 1882 Apache leader Na-ti-o-tish (center) positions his warriors along a narrow gorge eight miles north of the...
by True West | May 6, 2021 | Features & Gunfights
Their Courage Shaped a Nation “Resting here until day breaks and shadows fall and darkness disappears is Quanah Parker, the last chief of the Comanches” – Epitaph on Quanah Parker’s gravestone On March 4, 1905, Comanche Chief Quanah...