Straws in the Wind

Straws in the Wind

“One can thresh the straw of history until he is well worn out, and also is running some risk of wearing others out who may have to listen. So I will waive the telling of who the first cowboy was, even if I knew; but the last one who has come under my observation...
Hawaii’s Cowboy Tradition

Hawaii’s Cowboy Tradition

The steam from the volcano diffused the dawn as the cattle drive reached the shoreline where the Pacific Ocean rolled into Kawaihae Bay. While some of the cowboys herded the cattle into stonewalled pens on the beach, others dismounted and removed their saddles. They...
Return to the Arrowhead

Return to the Arrowhead

Having spent most of his life working on cattle operations in Colorado, Eugene C. Vories writes realistically from experience. In Return to the Arrowhead, Dean Archer and his new bride take a job managing the large and powerful Arrowhead Ranch where Archer was once a...
83 Must-See True West Destinations

83 Must-See True West Destinations

If you love history and the open road, we have combined the two just for you, complete with comprehensive listings and inside information to give you a leg up on any foreigners (people who live east of the Mississippi). Here is your own personal cheat sheet on 83...