by Henry C. Parke | Jan 29, 2020 | Uncategorized
Westerns are Everywhere— Except in Theaters There’s been a quiet explosion of Western film releases in 2019—from indies to international productions. The irony is that when it comes to watching Westerns, the bigger the screen, the better, but while it’s been a big...
by Jana Bommersbach | Jan 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Passion Wins the Day It’s probably obvious from my writing, but I love people who are passionate about what they’re doing. That’s why writing this column on Old West Saviors is such a joy, because I get to meet people all year who have often moved heaven and earth to...
by John Boessenecker | Jan 23, 2020 | Features & Gunfights
The Cowboys were the Old West’s biggest outlaw gang. In Arizona and New Mexico, they committed highway robberies, waylaid Mexican pack trains, stole thousands of heads of cattle on both sides of the international border and murdered at least 35 men. The Cowboys worked...
by | Jan 22, 2020 | True West Blog
The steam engine was invented in England in 1825 and a year later it arrived in America. By the 1850s trains were chuffing along at 25 mph. Since the times of the Romans people had only been able to travel as speeds of 4 mph. Those steam locomotive were real water...
by Jana Bommersbach | Oct 28, 2019 | Departments, Old West Saviors
“Most people don’t realize the depth and the breadth of the museum,” Price says. If your Mama told you not to brag, you probably didn’t grow up in Texas—a state where size does matter. After all, it was No. 1 until Alaska came along. But bragging rights are deserved...