Did frontiersmen of the Old West fully load their single-actions or did they leave an empty chamber under the hammer? Experienced shooters realize...

Did frontiersmen of the Old West fully load their single-actions or did they leave an empty chamber under the hammer? Experienced shooters realize...
When we think of Confederate revolvers we generally envision six guns like Leech & Rigdon, Spiller & Burr or the revolvers of the Dance...
Our readers remind us of the variables and vagaries of historic truths, “well-established” facts, headlines and historical photographs. Did Bob Ford...
Ironically, an employee of Colt, Rollin White, came up with the idea of boring through the cylinder to accept the new metallic cartridges but Sam...
Although many other makes used, the Colt single-action six-shooter was the weapon of choice for most gunfighters. In his hands it was both a tool of...
Morphy and Rock Island prove collectors still love the classic American firearms. Samuel Colt patented his first revolver in 1835,...
In the years before the 1840's the favorite side arm was a knife, and the big guy with long arms had a distinct advantage. Before the coming of the...
Old West Classics Remain Popular Timeless frontier six-guns, rifles and scatterguns lead the list for this year’s top guns. While the...
Reading the pulp westerns one would conclude that the Colt revolver was the only pistol used in the Old West. Remington built a fine six-shooter and...
Despite the popularity of the Colt revolver among Texans, Colt's company failed in 1842. Realizing the revolver needed more durability for use on...
There’s no reason you can’t use your Old West replica firearm to protect home and family. Replica Old West metallic cartridge firearms are made to...
Has anyone ever corrected you when you used both pistol and revolver when talking about the same firearm? Benjamin Sobleck in his The...