The Heartbeat of America The small towns of the American West are where you will discover the people and places dedicated to preserving our Western...
The Myth of the Murderous West
Killings were relatively rare. Dodge City, 1878 had five killings during its most homicidal year. Deadwood’s most violent year had four killed....
Top 10 True Western Towns of the Year
Time to Motor West Enjoy welcoming Western hospitality when you stay and explore the region’s best towns. Whether you grew up in a small town...
Best of the West: Heritage Travel
The Call of the West People from around the world are drawn to the Western United States. Whether as passengers on a Santa Fe Super...
On the Western Trail
Pack it up, round ’em up and drive north for an Old West adventure. Sherman, Texas, native S.H. Woods was 16 years old when he was “second boss—the...
A Hole in His Head
The story begins after he was shot in the head… David Lunt’s shooting is one of the more interesting ones in the West. In January 1877, he was...
The Many Lives of a Deadwood Theater
Jack Langrishe’s establishment was used for more than entertainment. Jack Langrishe was “just” an actor and producer—yet he played a vital role in...
Hallowed Ground & Honored Heroes
Across the West, cemeteries, monuments and memorials provide a poignant reminder of the West’s historic past. Across the United States...
Top 10 True Western Towns of 2022
Where History Happens Vigilant stewards keep the Old West alive in these Top Ten Towns. Since the Manifest Destiny doctrine was expressed in the...
More Favorite Smoke Wagons
Reading the pulp westerns one would conclude that the Colt revolver was the only pistol used in the Old West. Remington built a fine six-shooter and...
A Long-Lived Legacy
Preacher Smith’s murder couldn’t stop his words. Henry Weston Smith—better known as Preacher Smith—was the first minister in Deadwood when he...
Divinity in Deadwood
Henry Weston Smith brought the Bible to the Old West town. Henry Weston Smith was the first minister in Deadwood, arriving in May 1876. For...