Arizona was the last of the refuge of the drifting lawmen and desperadoes of the Old West. Its wild country, lack of roads, and proximity to the...

Arizona was the last of the refuge of the drifting lawmen and desperadoes of the Old West. Its wild country, lack of roads, and proximity to the...
The arrival of Mormon colonists from Utah in 1876 heralded the first permanent Anglo-American settlements in northern Arizona. Even though cattle...
Was Ike Clanton the coward that movies make him out to be? Rocky Strong — Sherman, Texas Pretty much. Ike Clanton gave an empty threat to kill the...
What were frontier livery stables like? David Jones — Phoenix, Arizona. A livery stable was a place where pioneers could hire horses, teams,...
One of the most revered names in the history of the cattle industry in Arizona is the Chiricahua Cattle Company or, as it was known by its brand,...
Gunfighters were a product of their violent times and for that reason one should not be too judgmental when it comes to their shortcomings and...
How did Kit Carson die? Mike Suhy — Corpus Christi, Texas. A hard life on the frontier took a toll on Kit Carson’s health, which began to decline in...
Reading the pulp westerns and watching B-westerns one might conclude that the Colt revolver was the only pistol used in the Old West. Remington...
The most imposing and best known in theater in Tombstone was Schieffelin Hall, inspired by the town founder. For two decades it was the largest...
There’s nothing left to show for it today, but one time the Escalante in Ash Fork, Arizona was billed as the best Harvey House west of Chicago. The...
What type of poker was popular in the Old West? Douglas E. Meyer – Wichita, Kansas. In those days, poker was a simpler game, and almost all of its...
Bob Sharp, who managed the 257,000-acre Baca Float from 1937 to 1952 wrote in his Big Outfit: Ranching on the Baca Float, “The Baca Float was one of...