Wild Bunch
He Smelled Like a Skunk

He Smelled Like a Skunk

How an animal got the best of a Wild Bunch member. On September 19th, 1900, members of the Wild Bunch were on their way to Winnemucca, Nevada to rob...

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Demise of the Wild Bunch

Demise of the Wild Bunch

By the early 1900s, the law was closing in and Butch Cassidy was beginning to feel the pressure. The cattle industry was big in Argentina and with...

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The Folk Bandit

The Folk Bandit

The folk bandit was perceived as one battling against the moneyed interests and they were popular among the common folks. It was said they robbed...

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Pike Peaked!

Pike Peaked!

Kid Curry vs. Pike Landusky Town's Namesake Laid Low as the Wildest of the Wild Bunch Takes Off   December 27, 1894 Celebrating the holidays in...

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Fannie Porter

Fannie Porter

At the turn of the 20th century Fannie Porter was running one of the most luxurious brothels in Texas. She was born in England in February 1873 but...

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