Violence begets violence in Cochise County… March 18, 1882. Morgan Earp is assassinated while playing billiards at Campbell and Hatch's in...

Violence begets violence in Cochise County… March 18, 1882. Morgan Earp is assassinated while playing billiards at Campbell and Hatch's in...
Wyatt Earp is born in Illinois. March 19, 1848. Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp is born in Monmouth, IL. He will live a long and interesting life, often a...
Morgan and Wyatt work the bawdy houses in Peoria. February 24, 1872. Brothers Wyatt and Morgan Earp are arrested in Jane Haspel's brothel in Peoria,...
What is your opinion of Stuart Lake’s Wyatt Earp biography Frontier Marshal? Josh Taylor Austin, Texas Much of Lake’s book comes from the fertile...
Wyatt Earp cashes in his chips. January 13, 1929. Wyatt Earp dies in Los Angeles at the age of 80. The next day, the Arizona Daily Star has front...
Wyatt Earp’s attempt to placate the Cow-boys falls apart. In 1881, Wells Fargo secretly gave Wyatt Earp a free hand to put an end to stage robberies...
The story of Wyatt Earp and a Jewish symbol. April 1882. Wyatt Earp--running from the Cochise County law after the Vendetta Ride--is in New Mexico,...
The brothers come to Tombstone December 1, 1879. Wyatt, James and Virgil Earp enter Tombstone, Arizona in a search for their pots of gold. Just over...
Did the U.S. Army find out who was selling rifles to the Lakota and Cheyenne Indians prior to the Battle of Little Big Horn? Joe Manriquez...
I recently received this question: Who is my favorite or most interesting Old West character? I’ve found the more I read about somebody the more...
Ten U.S. Marshals and Deputy U.S. Marshals who defined the legendary West All Illustrations by Bob Boze Bell and All Images Courtesy True West...
Blame It On The Pig I first met Kevin Jarre at a gathering of Alamo buffs at Joe Musso’s apartment. Dan Gagliasso told Kevin of the gathering. So,...