
Tom Isler
Madera, California

I have never seen this photo published in any of the Wyatt Earp biographies; somebody would have published it if the photo were genuine.

Here is what the Earp experts have to say. Jeff Morey and Jeff Wheat agree the photo is not him and has no provenance linking this photo to the famous lawman. Casey Tefertiller agrees, adding, “There are a zillion photos around of folks who kind of look like Earp, so I am very cautious of photos of somebody who looks like Earp.”

Is this a photo of Wyatt Earp? - Courtesy Tom Isler -
Is this a photo of Wyatt Earp?
– Courtesy Tom Isler –

If you have a question, write: Ask the Marshall, P.O. Box 8008, Cave Creek, AZ 85327 or e-mail him at

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