"We sincerely believe that all who see How the West Was Won, will agree that, the motion picture medium has attained its highest level of artistic achievement,” the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Cinerama bigwigs proclaim in the press book. What would you expect them to say in 1963? That they had lined up an all-star cast and an estimated $15 million budget to produce a turgid, sappy melodrama that belonged in the roaring ’20s (The Covered Wagon, Tumbleweeds, The Iron Horse), not the about-to-be

April 2013
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Ma’am Jones
- Timeworn Beauties
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- Billy’s Dirtiest Deed?
- Crater Lake National Park
- Seeking Ute Stories
- Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks
- April 2013 Events
- David Turk
- “Curly Bill” (Extended Review)
- Remembering Dobe
- Cowboy’s Badge of Honor
- Monogram Cowboy Collection, Vol. 2
- A New Yawk Jesse James
- Rough Drafts 3/13
- Charlie Daniels’ Favorite L’Amour Novels
- “Curly Bill”
- The Mormons and the American Frontier
- Bedside Book of Bad Girls
- Not for the Purists
- Trekking To Our Nation’s Parks
- A Bawdy Queen of the Row
- Hammin’ It Up Out West
- Posh West
- Soapy Smith’s Legacy
- A Rustler’s Roughouts
- How the West Was Won
- Killed in the Line of Duty
- What is the origin of the name Haunted Canyon in Arizona?
- How many cavalry troops served during the Indian Wars?
- What’s the origin of the phrase “hell bent for leather?”
- How do you regard the frontier government’s policy on Indians?
- Theodore Roosevelt National Park
- Were members of a posse reimbursed for their time and expenses, or was their service voluntary?
- Grand Canyon National Park
- Blast from the Past Road Trips
- Mount Rainier National Park