city-of-rocks_michael_zimmer_great-depressionAs self doubt spread during the Great Depression, the Federal Writer’s Project seemed to address how generations endured and even bulldogged fate. Backtrailing the mystery of memory, Joseph Roper spoke into an Edison Dictaphone.

By the time the narrator of Michael Zimmer’s City of Rocks polished off 80 of the discs, he had ridden with Roper into the midst of a bank robbery by the notorious McCandles Gang who take a saloon girl hostage. Doggedly trailing the outlaws across Utah’s badlands, will Roper locate the gang’s Rock City hideout and save the abducted girl? For his ninth novel, Zimmer has devised a unique method of telling a story in the first person. It’s aces up the reader will never turn off his machine on this tale.

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