Elizabeth Blodgett knows how to make a good fight an even better read. When she graduated with a Bachelor of English degree from Texas A&M University in 1989, she copyedited Jack DeMattos’ The Earp Decision, about Wyatt Earp’s controversial referee call for the 1896 championship bout between Tom Sharkey and Robert Fitzsimmons. Her parents Jim and Theresa Earle began The Early West (which published Earp Decision) in College Station, Texas, in 1978 by publishing their first book John We

October 2005
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Were there any outlaws or cowboys who were disabled?
- The Early West
- Inspired by the Prairie
- Rekindling Campfires
- More than Just O.K.
- Trailing Wilson Price Hunt’s Astorians West
- B&W Trailer Hitches
- Some cowboys supposedly took a photograph of a prehistoric-like bird or reptile
- Which type of horse and saddle were the most liked and used by the U.S. Cavalry?
- True West’s Best of the West 2006 Winners