Did the Ford Brothers ever get the reward money on Jesse James?
Joe Manriquez (Whittier, California)
Missouri Governor Thomas T. Crittenden raised $10,000 from the railroads in hopes it would encourage Jesse’s men to betray him. But Bob Ford only got $600 to cover expenses, mostly because of the uproar over shooting Jesse in the back of the head.
The well-circulated Illustrated Police News of April 15, 1882, helpe

True West October 2023
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
To The Point
More In This Issue
- Blood Money, Time Zones and Old West Jails
- Pecos, Texas
- Alaska’s Real Bonanza
- On the Trail of Charlie Russell
- What History Has Taught Me with Bradley G. Courtney
- Texas and the Paterson Colt
- A Firearm Bonanza
- Jerry C. Crandall – Artist and Friend
- The Oldest West Savior
- Clum in the Cold
- Shooting Back
- Truth Be Known
- Opening Shot