November 22, 1880 Attacking during the night, four rustlers run off 22 head of stock from the Turner and Lindeman ranch near San Simon, Arizona. In the morning, six “settlers” trail the outlaws—Bill Leonard, Luther King, Bill?Stiles and Bill Smith—down into the Cloverdale district (a 60-mile run from the scene of the crime, see second map on the opposite page). The posse gets into a running gunfight with the thieves. Firing from horseback, the two sides bang away “from daylight to t

November 2013
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- The Other Las Vegas
- John Goodwin
- November 2013 Events
- In Have Gun, Will Travel, what was Paladin’s first name?
- In your June 2013 gunfighter graves article, the marker for Liver-Eating Johnson reads “Johnston.” Which is correct?
- While watching Encore Westerns, I saw Bob Boze Bell’s True West Moments on Deputy U.S. Marshal Bass Reeves. Who was this lawman?
- How far could a good horse go during a posse chase of outlaws?
- How far did a wagon train travel in a typical day?
- How did Plains Indians carry water while on the move?
- Rough Drafts 11/13
- An Ace in the Hole
- Death by Shakespeare
- Remington Hits High Note
- Paydirt-It’s Still Out There!
- Modern-Day Treasure Hunt
- Sadie vs. Josie
- Wild Women of the West
- Soiled Doves
- The Vanity Plates of Footwear
- A Dinner to Remember
- On the Trail of Ancient Artists
- Delivering Justice
- Digging for Treasure
- 3:10 TO YUMA-Delmer Daves