Were all the witnesses at the Spicer Hearing sworn in? Tom Betts Anaheim, California Some 30 witnesses testified at the Spicer Hearing inquest into...

Were all the witnesses at the Spicer Hearing sworn in? Tom Betts Anaheim, California Some 30 witnesses testified at the Spicer Hearing inquest into...
Western roundup of events where you can experience the Old West this December. Holiday Prescott Courthouse Christmas Parade & Lighting Prescott,...
After Mexico increased taxes on alcohol and tobacco in the late 1870s, smuggling became big business. Mexican smugglers exchanged silver and gold...
In the 1880s, a vigilante group organized in San Saba, TX, to take on criminal elements. The so-called “Buzzard’s Water Hole” assembly soon got out...
Despite 183 acting credits, two Emmy nominations and no signs of slowing down, the suave and funny actor Tim Matheson will be forever remembered as...
The Anti-Horse Thief Association (AHTA) helped combat crime in many U.S. states and territories, mostly in the 19th Century. They were not a...
A few years ago I received a question about the science of hanging and whether or not there was such a thing as a “traveling hangman.” The mythical...
Matthew P. Mayo is the award-winning author of dozens of novels and nonfiction books about the West, including the recent multi-award-winning YA...
There is so much discrepancy in the dollar figures in these robberies. Authors disagree by tens of thousands of dollars on the amounts taken. I...
If you took all the alcohol out of the Wild West era, you would certainly save a forest of trees, because all of the printed stories of shooting,...
After being captured at Stinking Springs, Billy the Kid and his gang were taken to Fort Sumner, New Mexico where Billy was allowed to say goodbye to...
Travelers to the Northern Prairie and Plains will discover the beauty of the Great Plains’ endless vistas rolling on beyond the horizon, the...